From Agency to Alexandria

Patty Hoffman made the move from fast-paced agency life to the friendly but focused, pace of Alexandria.

She has no regrets.

A Hot Wheels track that led to central Minnesota

In 2013, Patty Hoffman was immersed in her work at Padilla, a prominent Twin Cities public relations firm. She had built a successful career in Minneapolis and was raising a hockey-playing son. Life was very full.

Along the way, she had some very positive encounters with Alexandria. Her parents retired there, and her mom still lived in town. Alexandria Industries, which she had helped promote its new brand, was a favorite client.

She even accompanied their team to an event at the Indianapolis 500: they had built four one-mile Hot Wheels tracks for a special promotion. There, she learned they needed full-time internal help. A few months later, Patty was bringing her industry knowledge to Alexandria.

A new focus, a warm welcome

After the hecticness of agency life, and the demands of a brutal commute, her new position, and new town gave her already successful professional life a boost. The ability to focus on one company’s challenges energized her. She was struck by the sophistication of the Alexandria business community, as well as the value they put on shared success and servant leadership.

Personally, she loved her new home. Patty found her new neighbors very friendly. “They are the most authentic, friendly people. They will reach out and invite you to events outside of work or for a glass of wine.”

Her outgoing personality and honed networking skills made a difference for Patty, she was impressed with how welcoming the town was. She cited Leadership Alexandria, an eight-month program for professionals in the community, where participants learn the city’s history, economy, and infrastructure as well as business skills. She also noted the many volunteer positions available and vibrant community education programs. “If you’re willing to put yourself out there, there are plenty of opportunities to connect and make a difference.”

It’s now been almost nine years and Patty is glad she made the move. Her work is satisfying, her life is full, and she is proud to call Alexandria home.

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